Introducing quantumcat
A high-level cross-platform open-source quantum computing python library.
Okay! But what does it means?
It means that you don’t have to go through a ton of mathematics like below to work on quantum computing.
It also means that you don’t have to code anymore in a below low-level language such as gates and circuits.
Ah Okay! But what if I am a researcher Or If I am okay to code in a low-level language, What does quantumcat have to offer me?
quantumcat is a cross-platform library and is built on the principle of write once and execute anywhere. You just have to follow one syntax and could run your circuit in one of the supported platforms such as Google Cirq, IBM Qiskit, or Amazon Braket (Few others are in progress) without the need to write code in multiple syntaxes. This would be helpful to you as a researcher to verify the results of your research on multiple platforms easily.
Let’s consider an example of generating a random number based on quantum superposition
IBM Qiskit
q = QuantumRegister(16,'q')
c = ClassicalRegister(16,'c')
circuit = QuantumCircuit(q,c)
circuit.h(q) # Applies hadamard gate to all qubits
circuit.measure(q,c) # Measures all qubits
# Use Aer's qasm_simulator
simulator = Aer.get_backend('qasm_simulator')
# Execute the circuit on the qasm simulator
result = execute(circuit, simulator, shots=1).result()
counts = result.get_counts()
result = RandomNumber(length=4, output_type=DECIMAL).execute(provider=providers.IBM_PROVIDER)
# The above code would execute on IBM simulator
To execute on other platforms, Just change the provider value to Google or Amazon
result = RandomNumber(length=4, output_type=DECIMAL).execute(provider=providers.GOOGLE_PROVIDER)
# The above code would execute on Google Cirq simulatorresult = RandomNumber(length=4, output_type=DECIMAL).execute(provider=providers.AMAZON_PROVIDER)
# The above code would execute on Amazon Braket simulator
To execute on actual IBM quantum device
from quantumcat.applications.generator import RandomNumber
from quantumcat.utils import providersresult = RandomNumber(length=4, output_type=DECIMAL).execute(provider=providers.GOOGLE_PROVIDER,
api='API KEY from IBM Quantum dashboard', device='IBM DEVICE NAME such as ibmq_manila or ibmq_quito')
# The above code would execute on actual IBM quantum device
Is it free?
Absolutely! Not only quantumcat library is free, but It is also open source.
Execute the following command to install quantumcat
pip install quantumcat
quantumcat API
We have also exposed quantumcat’s random number functionality as an API(based on quantum superposition principle) so that you could consume it in any classical application without the need to write quantum code.
# POST Request
# JSON Body to run on simulator
"length": 3,
"provider": "GOOGLE / IBM / AMAZON"
# JSON Body to run on actual IBM device
"length": 3,
"provider": "IBM",
"api": "API KEY from IBM Quantum dashboard",
"device": "IBM DEVICE NAME such as ibmq_manila or ibmq_quito"
- Please note that API is limited to 100 hits per day per IP address. For more usage kindly send us an email to